Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Template Header

Now the header's gone. No warning, it's just gone.

The templates are changing. The dashboard as well.

Why is it 80% of the times I'm using a website, that's the time they choose to upgrade it ?

Last winter continual updates and server problems prevented me from being able to continue my work, due to continually borked CVS and SVN servers for Objective-C and other Biotech code.

No one considered the chaos and delays created by not telling anyone before hand.

This went on for several weeks.

When I take down my servers, or reorganise, rewrite and compile the code they run on, I warn people.

Running molecular dynamics simulations and various distributed filesystem/applications servers, I have to.

Now I have to write a template, or create and upload my own header graphic to fill the space left ? I'd rather have the original back.

It is a major reason why I chose the TicTac template to start with, since I'm running SuSE/GNUstep and apart from a CSS style that's a perfect Mac OS X Milk theme, or Openstep/Rhapsody theme ... TicTac was the only one here I like.

Oh well ... yet again I spend a little time on something, and the result is negated.


AdSenseMaker said...

Gonna write more?

Temujin said...

I will write more about the plants sacred in buddhist medicine, in a similar way as above.This I intended to do.

A little also about how an individual finds his way around technology, without governments,big companies and universities supporting them.